
Finance Committee Goals 2018-2019

As the Finance Committee, we agree we are collectively responsible for the following:


    1. Financing student experiential learning fees
    2. Tracking and safeguarding finances for ALAPTO
    3. Empowering committees with decision making parameters regarding financial decisions
    4. Competence and accountability for financial contributions
    5. Confidentiality around parent contributions
    6. Answering budget questions
    7. Provide guidance for other group’s budget


Our goals for the 2018-2019 school year.


*ELF – Develop a system for tracking family names when different than the student’s

  1. Collect 60% of the ELF fees for the 2018-2019 school year.
  2. Possible reduction of the fees


*CAMP- For the 2018-2019 school year, we will find out what our baseline percent is for collection of fees broken down into the three categories- 5th Grade Camp U, 7th Grade Trees, and 8th grade Camp U.


*Budget- Create a budget so that we are able to communicate with various committees/event chairs what those individual budgets are.


Finance Committee Roles At A Glance


  • Submitting and filing taxes annually by May 15th
  • Renewing 501 C3 status
  • Raffle status
  • Review the Google Docs uploads twice a month
  • Apply deposits and withdrawals to the proper accounts in quickbooks
  • Generate Monthly reports to the ALAPTO board
  • Coordinate with Committees and chairs around events and budgets
  • Send financials to extracurricular groups quarterly
  • Align with Trina on an annual budget for ALAPTO


  • Check Treasurer mailbox weekly
  • Pay bills (bus companies, DJ, etc.) (scan into google drive when paid online, otherwise file paper copy in binder)
  • Provide reimbursements
  • Deposit field trip payments
  • Deposit fundraiser checks
  • Cash box requests
  • Camp U-Nah-Li-Ya, Trees for Tomorrow (check/cash collection and deposits)
  • Individual checks for reimbursements, camp,
  • Communicate with Treasurer weekly
  • Meet with Treasurer once a month to review budget


ELF Director

  • Develop communication strategy, cadence and methodology for coming school year
  • Communications to Parents requesting ELF payment
  • Tracking payments for ELF fees on individual students
  • Tracking payments for Camp Fees paid via ALAPTO Square Account
  • Send out tax letters for payment made
  • Review and revise process documentation for role


ELF Onsite AP/AR

  • Checks Treasurer mailbox weekly
  • Deposit ELF checks at bank
  • Individual checks are scanned into Google Drive
  • Coordinate with ELF director to ensure payments are tracked


Finance Committee Roles, Responsibilities


  • Submitting and filing taxes annually
  • Renewing 501 C3 status by July
  • Raffle status
  • Review the Google Docs uploads twice a month
  • Apply deposits and withdrawals to the proper accounts in quickbooks
  • Generate Monthly reports to the ALAPTO board
  • Coordinate with Committees and chairs around events and budgets
  • Send financials to extracurricular groups quarterly
  • Align with Trina on an annual budget for ALAPTO



  • Check ALAPTO Treasurer mailbox weekly throughout school year
  • Pay bills (bus companies, DJ, etc.)
    • Write out check and scan into Google Drive
  • Provide checks to staff/teachers when needed for field trips/activities
    • Teachers will fill out the Google form and submit it if they need payment for a field trip/activity
    • Teachers must submit the form 10 days before the check is needed
    • AR/AP will put the check in the teacher’s mailbox, and it is the teachers responsibility to mail the check to the vendor.

In the event that payment for a field trip is due “on the spot” then:

    • AR/AP writes out a blank check
    • The teacher fills out the amount to the vendor when they arrive
    • The teacher then takes a picture of the check and sends that picture to AR/AP, so the treasurer knows how much was paid and for what.
    • AR/AP  then uploads it into Google Drives for the treasurer to log into QuickBooks.
  • Provide reimbursements in the form of checks to teachers, staff, volunteers, etc.
    • Expense report completed with appropriate documentation
    • AR/AP will review and write a check
    • AR/AP will scan completed reimbursement form into google drive
  • Deposit field trip payments*
  • Deposit fundraiser checks
    • Scan check into google drive
    • Scan deposit slip into google drive
  • Cash box requests
    • Teachers will fill out the Google form and submit it if they need a cash box for their event
    • Teachers must submit the form 10 days before the cash box  is needed
    • AR/AP will prepare the cash box for the event
    • Staff member/teacher is responsible for counting money, organizing, recording on cash box accounting form
  • Camp U-Nah-Li-Ya, Trees for Tomorrow (check/cash collection and deposits)
    • AR/AP will deposit checks at bank
    • AR/AP will scan deposit slip into google drive
  • Extracurricular groups (Sting Cancer, School Store, Musical, etc.)
    • Count their own money
    • Complete an ALAPTO accounting form when ready for a deposit
    • These groups track their own money in a spreadsheet shared by ALAPTO
    • AR/AP will deposit money at bank
    • AR/AP will write on the deposit slip what group it is for
    • AR/AP will scan deposit slip into google drive
    • AR/AP will file deposit slip in file folder in safe room at Aldo
  • Grants must be deposited by those who are responsible for the grant (teachers/staff)
  • Communicate with Treasurer via weekly email
    • If others use the debit card, they send the charge amount, store and for what to the AR/AP
    • AR/AP will include in weekly email to treasurer


* Fox Communities Credit Union is the bank we use.


ELF Director

  • Develop communication strategy, cadence, and methodology for coming school year
  • Communicating to Parents regarding ELF fees
  • Responsible for sending out letters/emails requesting payment of the ELF
    • Big ask at the start of the year presented in the form of a “bill”
    • Monthly emails stating the balance each person has and requesting payment (These are balance statements sent out from Square)
    • Send out a mid-year letter in January to “nudge” parents to pay if collection for the year is low
  • Tracking payments made for student’s ELF
  • Tracking payments made for Camp Fees paid via ALAPTO Square Account
  • For any payments that have been made, Dan to send out tax letters to payments
  • Track payments for individual students
  • Create/Review and revise process documentation for role
  • Square


ELF Onsite AP/AR

    • Checks ALAPTO Treasurer mailbox weekly
    • Individual checks are scanned into Google Drive, and placed in a student file?
    • Deposit ELF checks at bank
      • Write ELF on the deposit slip, scan to Google Drive


  • When ELF and Camp Fees are combined on one check, write the amount for each on the deposit slip, so Treasurer knows the correct amount for each category.


  • Coordinate with ELF director to ensure payments are tracked


ELF Director

  • Develop communication strategy, cadence, and methodology for coming school year
  • Responsible for sending out letters/emails requesting payment of the ELF
    • Big ask at the start of the year presented in the form of a “bill”
    • Monthly emails stating the balance each person has and requesting payment (These are balance statements sent out from Square)
    • Send out a mid-year letter in January to “nudge” parents to pay if collection for the year is low
  • Tracking payments made for student’s ELF
  • Tracking payments made for Camp Fees paid via ALAPTO Square Account
  • For any payments that have been made, Dan to send out tax letters to payments
  • Track payments for individual students
  • Create/Review and revise process documentation for role


** Ask parents and teachers to separate checks for Camp, ELF, etc.

* If they are not separated, send to ELF, and they will update both spreadsheets.

Committee Chair

  • Each committee chair is responsible for communicating between the board and the committee.
  • Recruiting new members to the committee on an as needed basis (note: not all committee members need to be board members or even permanent committee members)



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