Trivia Night 2019! Friday, March 1, 2019

Trivia Night is Aldo Leopold’s most important fundraiser of the year!  The money we make during Trivia Night goes right back into your child’s education, funding more field trips, more speakers and programs, updating classroom tools, and giving our teachers greater ability to expand experiential learning.
Trivia Night is an adults only evening of fun for Aldo families, friends, and community members.  Feel free to invite friends to join you, and be a part of your trivia team!  Our program focus is trivia, but there will also be a silent auction, raffles, and a costume contest.  Come hungry for the nacho/taco bar, appetizers, desserts, and a cash bar!
This year, we are going to focus on Trivia Through the Decades!  We encourage everybody to dress up in line with their favorite decade!  Bust out your bell bottoms, feathered boas, zoot suits, hammer pants, and pillbox hats!!!  We can’t wait to see everybody!!
If you would like to volunteer to help plan the event or help during the event, please fill out the form here (link to  )
If you would like to contribute a dessert to share during the event, please fill out this form  (link to )
If you have any questions, please feel free to email [email protected]

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